We were serenaded by a big Peruvian band in tights.
The kids in the Aldea are hilarious. Especially when the boys laugh in a high pitched squeal, gets me every time.
In February they have a festival where you throw water balloons and everyone, so we are going to get soaked everywhere we go. The older boys in the Aldea have already started a war, they don’t stand a chance.
All of the sidewalks and floors at the Aldea are slippery because they wax them regularly…needless to say there’s never a shortage of entertainment from people slipping.
It’s not a good thing to be skinny in Peru because then they’ll just try to give you even more food to fatten you up.
I don’t know why they even bothered to paint lines and arrows on the roads or put up stop signs, they really don’t mean anything.
We had 26 people in a combi (kind of a mix of a van and bus…don’t really know how to describe it) that had 15 seats. I was on a wooden stool that decided to tip backwards after 5 minutes, so for 30 minutes I was trying to balance myself on a wobbling stool on bumpy roads so I wouldn’t tumble back onto the clump of people packed in behind me. Not unusual circumstances.