Booyah the computer is working! Here are some more pictures to help you understand what i'm talking about more. ** I am not allowed to post any pictures with campers in them...I know that's what you want to see, but I can't. Sorry.
Also, I guess I didn't do a good enough job with my last shout out, so I'll try that again...Shout out to Jake Morris for being the best! And more specifically all of the mountain counselors and the challenge team!! I hope everyone is pleased with the specificity :)
Two stories and then pictures!
Also disclaimer...if the stories sound harsh or like i'm laughing at the children, I'm not! I love these kids! They are just ridiculous and the situations are so funny that I laugh at that, not at the kids...
Twin Day!
Every day at camp we have a theme. Some days it is pirate day, twin day, tye-dye fridye, choose your tude tuesday, hat day, superhero day, etc. Well on twin day me and Sarah decided to be team Utah twins, so we wore our similar clothes. This meant we wore red basketball shorts, a white v-neck t-shirt, hat on backwards, hair in a braid, and even similar tennis shoes with tall black socks. Don't worry, we had comfort and a sweet look. Boom baby. Well I got to my bunk that morning to wake up my campers and two of the boys saw me, realized it was twin day, and ran to go find their red shorts and white shirts. They had to wait for the laundry to come back for their shorts, and all day long they kept asking "is it back yet?!" Finally when it arrived they dumped out the bag and changed immediately. They put on hats backwards (one asked if he could borrow one of my extra hats) and even tied their shoes to match how I tie mine. Then they told me they were going to go buy ice cream with their ramabucks (paper money they earn as a reward for being well behaved) but came back with gold beads instead saying, "We tricked you! We got beads for us so we can be extra twins!" then they put on their beads and handed me the extra set they had bought for me. So adorable! I was so lucky, I got to have 3 twins for twin day, and they made sure everyone at camp knew that we were twins. I love these boys!
You Never Know
You never know what someone is dealing with. You never know what is going on inside. You never know why they are behaving the way they are. One of my campers, a thirteen year old boy who has recently started intimidating the other campers and causing problems in the bunk, had a rough night last night. He was doing great, and then out of no where started acting up and causing problems. He ended up having to leave the bunk for a while until he could calm down and behave. When he came back in it was time for bed so all the kids were laying in bed with the lights off. I heard him calling my name, so I walked over to his bed and he asked if I could go outside and talk with him. As soon as we got outside and sat down on the bench he gave me a big hug and started sobbing into my arm. Turns out he was acting out because he really misses his mom. He wants nothing more than to get a letter from her, but there is no way I can promise that she will write. It broke my heart to see him so sad! We had a nice talk, cried together for a little bit, I tried to cheer him up, and then we went back in and he went to sleep. Poor kid, he just misses his mom and doesn't know how to handle that. You never know what is going on, so be careful not to assume things and judge.
This is my lovely walk from my cabin to the bunk I work with and to challenge every day. Love it! |
Oh what a nice grassy area...This is where I play games with the kids at challenge |
Bed bugs....not a fan! Cabin heated, bugs gone, moving on. |
Welcome to the Challenge Shack. This is the challenge teams office, fun stuff all around. |
This is the staff hang out works |
Staff hang out quarters angle two |
Lake front. Looks amazing yeah? |
This is the bunk I work in. Each side is a separate bunk, with 6 kids on each side. The middle room that divides the bunks is for staff to store things. |
Inside the bunk where I work |
Where I live. Hello Sarah. |
Postman! We lower that rope ladder a bit and then they climb up the rope ladder and then there are two wires hanging that they cross. They stand on the lower one and hold on to the higher one and side step their way across. |
Pamper Pole! Climb up the post, stand on the platform, jump and touch the ball hanging. Fun! |
Giant's Ladder! We lower the logs and the goal is to climb up to the top. This is a partner climb, and is really difficult because each rung gets further and further apart. I could barely reach after the first two ha. |
Me and Sarah beasting the indoor giants ladder |
I love my job. In between sessions I get to climb and have fun :) |
The Nitro! Low ropes course where the team has to start on one box and swing everyone onto another box. Then we usually create a code of how many people we want on each box and they need to figure it out. |
Natalie! Not only are you incredibly compassionate and amazingly patient and kind, you are a fantastic story teller! This post and your previous posts read like a book, like a novel, with such a great narrative and flow to them! Keep going, Natalie! I am loving this!!!